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Dr. Wyatt Fisher

ER Reservation

ER Reservation

The problem is couples have unresolved resentments that prevent emotional and physical intimacy. Once that pattern becomes entrenched, hopelessness sets in, conflicts increase, and more resentments occur, creating a vicious cycle. 

The solution is my ER marriage intensive!

In it, I will teach you step by step how to heal your resentments and rekindle your love in 90 days.

Are you tired of feeling like roommates? 

Are you ready to go all in? 

If so, join my most comprehensive resource to fill your marriage with hope, love, and intimacy. 

Submit a deposit below to reserve your spot in the next intensive. The deposit will also count toward the $2500 intensive fee.

Intensives fill up quickly so reserve your spot now!

ER Reservation
Regular price $250.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $250.00 USD
Sale Sold out
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