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Dr. Wyatt Fisher

Couples Retreats Virginia | Best Marriage Retreat in VA

Couples Retreats Virginia | Best Marriage Retreat in VA

What: Total Marriage Refresh- Couples Retreats Virginia 
Who: Dr. Wyatt Fisher
Why: Because your marriage could use a refresh!

Where: The marriage retreat in Virginia is no longer provided live. However, click the button below to learn more about our ER Marriage Intensive for effective support to resolve your resentments! 

Virginia is known as the "birthplace of a nation" since Jamestown was the first established English settlement. It's also known as the "mother of presidents" with eight US presidents being born there and four of the first five presidents being Virginians. William and Mary college is the second oldest college in the nation and Virginia is also home to the Atlantic Naval Fleet. 

What does the couples retreat in Virginia cover?

1-Establishing a Covenant Foundation

Approaching marriage as a contract means you're committed as long as your needs are met and you're in love. In contrast, a covenant approach means you're committed for the long haul, despite going through difficult seasons, which are inevitable. 

2-Owning Your Brokenness

Owning your brokenness means you can list your top shortcomings as a partner without excuses. Most people can't but instead they excel at listing off their partner's weaknesses. It's time to level the playing field so both partners see how they are contributing to the challenges in their relationship.

3-Learning to Share Power

Learning to share power refers to cultivating a relationship where both partners have an equal voice on all decisions. Do you call the shots in your marriage or does your partner? Or, do you share power by compromising so you both feel heard and respected? 

4-Developing Emotional Attachment

Would you like your partner to be your best friend? They probably were during the early stages of your relationship. To get there again you must first work through all resentments. Only then can emotional closeness and connection come back. 

5-Cultivating Sexual Fireworks

Are you the low libido or high libido partner? Most marriages have one of each and it can create ongoing marital discord. The high libido partner often feels sexual frustration and the low libido partner often feels sexual pressure. Both are toxic. This step will show you a new path to maximize satisfaction for both.

6-Staying in Love

It's possible for all couples to fall back in love and stay in love. However, it takes a teachable spirit and determination to be an amazing partner. If you have that heart, this step will show you the path to get there! 

Who's the speaker at the marriage retreat in Virginia?

marriage retreat Virginia | couples retreat VA

I'm Dr. Wyatt Fisher and I'm the creator and presenter of the Total Marriage Refresh.  I have a master's and doctorate in clinical psychology, I'm a licensed psychologist, and I specialize in marriage counseling in my private practice. I'm also the host of the Dr. Wyatt Show marriage podcast, author of the Total Marriage Refresh book, creator of the Keep the Glow couples app, and leader of the Marriage Boot Camp. Learn more about me here.

What are other couples saying about the marriage retreat in Virginia?

"We’ve been married one year and got so much out of this marriage retreat in VA! We enjoyed the breakout sessions - having a dedicated time to talk about the topics with your spouse was really valuable. We also learned how your upbringing and past experiences can influence your responses and attitudes toward your spouse. Getting to those roots can be key when resolving issues. We found it very practical. We are inspired to learn more about each other!" K.C.-previous attendant

"I appreciated the real world examples from her own marriage and letting us know that her marriage has challenges as well. It made it easier to relate to her as a person. The format was great. We both really appreciated your approach. You got us to talk about some difficult things in a safe environment. (for us, because we're both non-confrontational, every subject is difficult!)" W.A.-previous attendant 

"Research-based material. Dr. Wyatt was very intimate with the content and colored her explanations with anecdotes." M.B. -previous attendant

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Dr. Wyatt Fisher

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