Dr. Wyatt Fisher
Couples Retreats PA | Best Marriage Retreat in PA
Couples Retreats PA | Best Marriage Retreat in PA
What: Total Marriage Refresh- Couples Retreats PA |
Who: Dr. Wyatt Fisher |
Why: Because your marriage could use a refresh! |
Where: The marriage retreat in Pennsylvania is no longer provided live. However, click the button below to learn more about our ER Marriage Intensive for effective support to resolve your resentments! If you're a history buff, you'll love Pennsylvania. PA is where religious tolerance and diversity first began in America. It's where the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 and PA was home to the great Benjamin Franklin. In addition, Pennsylvania is known as the chocolate capital of the US and boasts a strong economy. PA is also one of the most beautiful states with continual rolling hills filled with lush, deciduous trees. Other interesting facts about PA include it is home to the first baseball stadium built in 1909 and the first car service station in 1913. Understandably, once people move to PA, they usually stay there! |
What does the couples retreat in PA cover?
1-Establishing a Covenant Foundation
Most couples approach marriage as a contract where their commitment is entirely based on their feelings. Therefore, as their feelings ebb and flow so does their commitment. The contract approach often breeds insecurity in the relationship as partners threaten to end their relationship when upset. In contrast, the covenant approach to marriage says we are signing up for the long-haul, despite going through ups and downs. When these couple go through difficult times they reach out for help and work harder at turning their relationship around.
2-Owning Your Brokenness
All partners bring some type of baggage into marriage from their past. Perhaps they were neglected growing up, perhaps they were abused, perhaps they were abandoned, perhaps they were spoiled, etc. The impact of our imperfect upbringing creates areas of weakness or shortcomings. Once married, both partner's areas of brokenness begin interacting and create vicious cycles. Therefore, it's vital for all couples to identify and own their areas of brokenness to infuse humility and emotional safety into their relationship.
3-Learning to Share Power
All partners need to have an equal voice in marriage and feel like they can influence their partner. Unfortunately, many of us can be domineering and rigid and won't share power with our partner. Others of us can be passive and won't articulate what we think and feel on a decision. When a couple doesn't share power, conflicts escalate and sex decreases. This step helps couples understand the value of sharing power in marriage to develop a sense of teamwork between two equals.
4-Developing Emotional Attachment
Most couples start off as best friends before getting married. However, through the years their focus tends to turn away from one another and towards other pressing demands, such as kids, finances, career, etc. When this occurs, friendship drops and resentment and conflict enter. Therefore, helping couples re-build their friendship and emotional connection is core to a lasting marriage.
5-Cultivating Sexual Fireworks
The marriage bed should be the ultimate place to experience sexual pleasure and enjoyment. Unfortunately, for many couples there's a lack of sex and a lack of mutual pleasure during it. This step explores all the pitfalls couples fall into sexually and provides practical tools to construct a new sex life filled with voice, choice, and pleasure.
6-Staying in Love
The ultimate goal of marriage is to stay in love. After all, in love couples are naturally affair and divorce proof. Being in love makes us happy and makes marriage a refuge. However, many couples fall out of love through the years and don't know how to get it back. This step will show you concrete steps to take that will bring love back to your relationship for the long-term.
Who's the speaker at the marriage retreat in PA?

I'm Dr. Wyatt Fisher and I'm the creator and presenter of the Total Marriage Refresh. I have a master's and doctorate in clinical psychology, I'm a licensed psychologist, and I specialize in marriage counseling in my private practice. I'm also the host of the Dr. Wyatt Show marriage podcast, author of the Total Marriage Refresh book, creator of the Keep the Glow couples app, and leader of the Marriage Boot Camp. Learn more about me here.
What are other couples saying about the marriage retreat in PA?
"I loved the combination of the marriage steps. All of them are necessary and important. The couples retreat boiled them down so they can be easily applied." I.L. -previous attendant
"My husband and I had a great time and there wasn't any man bashing which he was a little worried about and half expecting. Lots of great tips and tricks for increased communication that we have been able to utilize since the conference. I would recommend this conference to couples of all ages! We have been married for 4 years." J.H.-previous attendant
"The topics at the marriage retreat were very helpful and Dr. Wyatt was engaging, entertaining, and well organized." W.R. -previous attendant
Email info@drwyattfisher.com for questions!
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