Dr. Wyatt Fisher
Couples Retreats Chicago, Illinois | Best Marriage Retreat in Chicago
Couples Retreats Chicago, Illinois | Best Marriage Retreat in Chicago
What: Total Marriage Refresh- Couples Retreats Chicago, Illinois |
Who: Dr. Wyatt Fisher |
Why: Because your marriage could use a refresh! |
Where: The marriage retreat in Chicago is no longer provided live. However, click the button below to learn more about our ER Marriage Intensive for effective support to resolve your resentments! If you're a sports fan, you got to love the Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears, and the Chicago Bulls. Who can forget the spectacular display of athleticism from Michael Jordan. Many don't realize Chicago also has some beautiful beaches with blue water along Lake Michigan for beach goers. Chicago also has more bridges than any other city in the US and the famous Gotham City with Batman was inspired by Chicago. The Chicago River is also famous for flowing backwards, which was intentionally engineered that way to prevent sewage from running into the streets. Couples in Chicago are proud of their city and all the special things that make it unique! |
What does the couples retreat in Chicago cover?
1-Establishing A Covenant Foundation
Learning to view marriage as a lifelong covenant despite going through seasons of winter and summer is a different mindset for many couples. Instead, most couples are committed as long as they are in love and their needs are met. Unfortunately, this approach often leads to fragile commitments that are fractured easily.
2-Owning Our Brokenness
All of us have weaknesses and shortcomings we bring into marriage. Then, our shortcomings create vicious cycles with our partner's shortcomings and sparks fly. Therefore, a first step to infusing humility and emotional safety into a relationship is for both partners to own their top areas of brokenness and to recognize the vicious cycles they create in their relationship.
3-Learning to Share Power
Do you want to feel like your voice matters and you have an equal say on all decisions in your marriage? Everyone desires that but few fully experience it. When a partner feels voiceless in marriage they tend to have harsher start ups to conflict and desire sex less often. This step helps couples create a sense of equality by evenly sharing power.
4-Developing Emotional Attachment
Remember the days when your partner was your best friend? It's probably one of the reasons you married them. However, it's easy for the friendship to slip away through years of marriage with kids, finances, unmet needs, etc. This step will show you the path back to friendship by cultivating emotional intimacy, healing resentments, and constructively working through conflicts.
5-Cultivating Sexual Fireworks
Most couples have mind blowing sex in the early stages of their relationship. However, before long they slip into no sex or low quality sex. This step unpacks the causes for this pattern and what to do about it. In addition, it trains couples on the importance of including sensual time before sexual time and approaching erotic contact with voice and choice.
6-Staying in Love
Couples get married because they are in love; however, through the years they often fall out of love and don't know what to do about it. This step will show you the path to falling back in love and staying in love with your partner. While we did all the right things naturally in the beginning of our relationship, we often need to be trained on how to do it later in marriage. This steps provides the training!
Who's the speaker at the marriage retreat in Chicago?

I'm Dr. Wyatt Fisher and I'm the creator and presenter of the Total Marriage Refresh. I have a master's and doctorate in clinical psychology, I'm a licensed psychologist, and I specialize in marriage counseling in my private practice. I'm also the host of the Dr. Wyatt Show marriage podcast, author of the Total Marriage Refresh book, creator of the Keep the Glow couples app, and leader of the Marriage Boot Camp. Learn more about me here.
What are other couples saying about the marriage retreat in Chicago?
"Extremely informative and provided great examples and tools to take away." -R.W. previous attendant
"The couples retreat made us face and discuss problem areas that have affected our marriage in the past. It was very helpful" J.J.-previous attendant
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