Dr. Wyatt Fisher
Couples Retreats Los Angeles | Best Marriage Retreat in LA 2024
Couples Retreats Los Angeles | Best Marriage Retreat in LA 2024
What: Total Marriage Refresh- Couples Retreats Los Angeles, CA |
When: N/A |
Why: Because your marriage could use a refresh! |
Where: The marriage retreat in Los Angeles, CA is no longer provided live.
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What does the couples retreat in Los Angeles cover?
1-Establishing a Covenant Foundation
The first step is to decide if you're going to have a contract vs a covenant marriage. A contract marriage says I'm committed to you as long as my needs are met and I feel in love. However, once those things slip away I'm gone. In contrast, the covenant approach says I'm in it for the long haul, despite predictable ups and downs of matrimony. When the going gets tough, we dig in deeper and work harder!
2-Owning Your Brokenness
This step requires all partners to identify and own their top three shortcomings. We're often too busy pointing out our spouse's weaknesses to consider we may also have some. Once both partners have identified their top shortcomings then they can put their lists together to understand their top vicious cycles that create conflict in their relationship.
3-Learning to Share Power
A healthy marriage involves two people who feel like equals where both of their opinions are considered and respected. A toxic marriage occurs when one or both partners are voiceless. This step helps couples understand the importance of sharing power and provides practical tools to do it.
4-Developing Emotional Attachment
The goal of a good marriage is to have a good friendship. However, friendship can be tricky with your spouse because of competing needs, resentments, and destructive conflicts. Therefore, this step is loaded with tips and strategies on how to build emotional intimacy as well as effectively resolve resentments and conflicts.
5-Cultivating Sexual Fireworks
Couples usually start out having great sex but it quickly fizzles because of different libidos, lack of emotional connection, and unhealed sexual trauma. This step will get you on the right path with concrete ideas to develop mutually enjoyable touch to bring satisfaction to both partners.
6-Staying in Love
The last step ties it all together and provides one of the best tools available to help couples fall back in love and stay in love. After all, staying in love is the ultimate goal in marriage because in-love couples are naturally affair and divorce proof.
Who's the speaker at the marriage retreat in Los Angeles?

I'm Dr. Wyatt Fisher and I'm the creator and presenter of the Total Marriage Refresh. I have a master's and doctorate in clinical psychology, I'm a licensed psychologist, and I specialize in marriage counseling in my private practice. I'm also the host of the Dr. Wyatt Show marriage podcast, author of the Total Marriage Refresh book, creator of the Keep the Glow couples app, and leader of the Marriage Boot Camp. Learn more about me here.
What are other couples saying about the marriage retreat in Los Angeles?
Read the Google Reviews Here!
"Wonderful experience. Highly recommend!" D.H.-previous attendant
"Brad and I attended the couples retreat in LA and it was very practical. Dr. Wyatt was so easy to listen to and shared from his own marital experiences, both good and bad. The visual illustrations were both serious and light-hearted. It was easy to laugh and also be sober about the topic of nurturing your spouse and marriage. J.O.-previous attendant
"The times set apart to talk with your spouse to apply the content learned was such a neat part of the sessions. I think it would be a great yearly retreat to go through." M.A.-previous attendant
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