Marriage Course "Tools"

marriage course

Going through a difficult time in your marriage?

Wanting tools but not sure where to begin?

Looking for an affordable way to improve your relationship?

The solution is my marriage course "Tools."

Tools is for couples wanting to improve their marriage in a cost effective way. 

In it, I will teach you how to communicate effectively, how to resolve your conflicts, how to nurture emotional intimacy, how to share power on decisions, and much more. 

You need tools to repair and maintain things, including marriage. 

Tools is the leading marriage course that will show you how! 

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Tools Is The College Marriage Course You Never Took But Desperately Need

If you attended college, think about how many subjects you covered. You probably took classes in history, political science, economics, art, music, anthropology, biology, math and much more. However, you probably never took a college course on marriage. No wonder the divorce rate is so high. Couples have skipped the class! That's why I designed my Tools course. It's the college marriage class that you never took but desperately need. 

What Is Taught In The Tools Marriage Class?

You'll learn the top routines needed for a healthy relationship plus the following eleven tools. In each class, one tool will be demonstrated followed by Q & A to deepen your understanding and mastery. 

1-Brokenness Chart (to promote humility and ownership)

2-Bullseye Question (to open up daily feedback)

3-Bounce the Ball (to share power on decisions)

4-Marriage Huddle (to develop teamwork)

5-Head/Heart Check (to cultivate emotional intimacy)

6-Empathy Variable Exercise (to build empathy)

7-Reunite Tool (to resolve deep resentments)

8-Mini Reunite Tool (to resolve mild to moderate conflicts)

9-Nuddle Time (to foster physical closeness)

10-Wedding Cake Model (to cultivate sexual intimacy)

11-Love Buckets (to stay in love)

Who Is The Teacher Of The Tools Marriage Course?

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I'm Licensed Psychologist Dr. Wyatt Fisher and I'm the developer and teacher of Tools. I have a Master's and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and I've been in private practice specializing in couples therapy since 2004. I also developed the ER Marriage Intensive to help couples resolve their resentments and the KTG Couples App to help couples communicate more effectively. You can learn more about me here.

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marriage course

Three Things You’ll Receive In The Tools Marriage Class

1-Weekly Live Classes With Me

You'll receive live weekly classes with me through Zoom every Tuesday from 5-5:45pm MST to ask me any questions you have about your relationship and to learn all my tools to build a successful marriage. 

2-Twelve 90-Minute Modules

You'll receive exclusive access to my twelve 90-minute modules packed with all the tools you need to build a successful marriage. The modules also include a seventy-one page PDF covering all the material.

3-Private Facebook Group

You'll receive access to my private Facebook Group with other couples for community so you don't feel isolated in your marital journey. 

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What Is The Cost Of The Tools Marriage Course? 

Let's face it, couples therapy is expensive. There are many more couples who need therapy than those who can afford it. That's why I created Tools. A cost effective resource for couples to rebuild their marriage. The cost is $199/month and I can provide a superbill at the end of each month for you to submit to insurance for reimbursement. Most insurance companies reimburse around 50% to see someone out of network but you would need to confirm with your insurance. 

After you enroll, within 24 hours you'll receive an email from with access into the twelve modules, an email from FB inviting you to join the private group, and an email from me with the link to my weekly classes. 

Grab Your Spot Below! 

If you're unhappy with the Tools Marriage Course for any reason you can cancel at any time.

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