ER Marriage Intensive {Best 2025}

marriage intensive

The problem is couples have unresolved resentments that prevent emotional and physical intimacy. Once that pattern becomes entrenched, hopelessness sets in, conflicts increase, and more resentments occur, creating a vicious cycle. 

I know how this feels because my marriage used to be the same. I used to have a lot of resentments and felt out of love with my wife. However, I also know how it feels to heal those resentments and fall back in love and now I've helped thousands of couples do the same. 

The solution is my ER Marriage Intensive!

In it, you will receive concentrated time to resolve your resentments. ER is equivalent to three months of marriage counseling in three days!

Aren't you tired of feeling like roommates? 

Aren't you ready to move out of winter and into spring?  

Join ER and fill your marriage with hope, love, and intimacy. 

What is a marriage intensive?

A marriage intensive is a concentrated approach to marriage counseling that helps couples make significant progress in less time by helping them work through their resentments.

Book a free video call below with a member of my team to learn more about ER.

If you're ready to resolve your resentments and get your marriage back on track, join my ER Marriage Intensive below!

4 Ways To Know You Need A Marriage Intensive

1-You're feeling hopeless because change is not happening.

2-You're feeling alone because of unresolved resentments, walls, and needs not being met.

3-You're feeling lost because you don't know where to start to improve things. 

4-You're feeling numb from the combination of feeling hopeless, alone, and lost.

Here's a list of the best marriage intensives in the US for you to make an informed decision.

What are other couples saying about the ER Marriage Intensive?

"It was so informative. I would recommend this to any couple who has resentments, no matter how long you've been together." N.D.-previous attendant

"We will forever use the tools we learned from this intensive. Our marriage wasn’t “in trouble” we just wanted a “refresh” after 11 years together and 5 years of marriage. Highly recommend it to any couple. It will change your marriage if you adopt the tools!" S.N.-previous attendant

"My husband and I were able to receive help to resolve our resentments from the comfort of our home. The format was easy to understand and we made huge strides in resolving our walls. Dr. Wyatt, thank you!" B.R. previous attendant 

"My husband and I have a good, solid marriage, and we want to keep it that way! We try to attend marriage intensives every few years! We love working on our marriage and showing our kids how amazing marriage can be! Thank you Dr. Wyatt for a great resource for my husband and I! Loved it!"  R.C.-previous attendant

"My husband and I have completed Dr. Wyatt's ER Marriage Intensive and have found it highly useful and impactful to our marriage. Before doing ER, I was an avid listener of Dr. Wyatt's podcast. The intensive is essential! My marriage has improved and it did not take as much effort as I thought it would. I highly recommend anyone who is having marriage issues to do the ER Marriage Intensive." M.T.-previous attendant 

marriage intensive

What will you gain in the ER Marriage Intensive? 


You'll gain resolution to your resentments, which will create hope! Resentments are the root that needs to be addressed first before anything else can improve. Resentments are common for couples because you have two imperfect people living side by side, day in and day out. Therefore, feelings are going to be hurt and needs are going to be unmet. Then, you can't discuss those topics without things escalating so you become stuck. Common categories of resentments include communication, emotional intimacy, sexual intimacy, conflict style, addictions, parenting, in-laws, finances, uneven workload, and feeling voiceless. Most partners have resentments in at least 3-5 of those categories. 


When there are lots of resentments, you start feeling lost. You don't know how to improve things and that leads to despair. Through our methods and tools, you'll resolve your resentments and learn skills for a successful relationship, which will provide direction and clarity.


Imagine love is the water in a river. If you want the water to flow stronger, you must hike upstream and remove the debris. The debris are resentments. Therefore, once you resolve your resentments, your love will slowly increase over time and that will lay the groundwork for increased intimacy.  

Book a free video call below with a member of my team to learn more about ER.

If you're ready to resolve your resentments and get your marriage back on track, join my ER Marriage Intensive below!

marriage intensive

What makes our ER Marriage Intensive Unique?

1-Strategic Focus On Resolving Resentments

One of the most unique things about our ER Marriage Intensive is our strategic focus on resolving resentments. We help couples systematically resolve one resentment at a time with our special method that keeps the conversations calm and constructive. Resolving resentments is an essential first step for couples because when there's active resentments nothing else goes well. It's hard to feel close and have intimacy with someone you resent. Therefore, the first step to improving your relationship is resolving your resentments. In contrast, other intensives spend the entire time processing feelings, which often leads to conflict without any sense of resolution or direction. 

2-Multiple Layers Of Support 

Another unique feature of ER is that it provides multiple layers of support. You receive an individual appointment with me, two half-day intensives with your master coach to resolve your resentments, a live marriage retreat with me, and four weeks in my weekly class. The multiple layers of support maximizes healing and accommodates various learning styles. Other intensives only provide one level of support, which is much less effective. 

3-Skills Based Not Feelings Based

A third unique feature of the ER Marriage Intensive is that it is skills based not feelings based. After you've resolved your resentments through your half-day intensives, you'll attend one of our live marriage retreats in Florida, Colorado, or Texas. The entire purpose of the retreat is to teach you skills for a better marriage. For example, you'll learn skills for effective communication, how to resolve conflicts, how to nurture emotional intimacy, and much more. 

4-Post Program Support

A fourth unique feature of ER is we provide follow-up support after ER is over. Once you've addressed your resentments and attended our live marriage retreat, you'll receive four weeks of free marriage classes with Dr. Wyatt for ongoing support. This is unique because most intensives provide services during their 2-3 day intensive and then couples are on their own, which makes it difficult for them to sustain their gains.

5-Immediate Support

When you're looking for a marriage intensive, time is of the essence. You want immediate help to improve your relationship. Unfortunately, most intensives make couples wait several weeks to several months before being seen. This is like going to urgent care and being told you must wait several days before receiving help. In contrast, when you enroll in our ER Marriage Intensive, you can get started within a few days for immediate support!

marriage intensive

What will you receive in the ER Marriage Intensive?

1-You'll Receive An Initial 45-Minute Private Session With Dr. Wyatt For Direct Feedback

You'll receive an initial 45-minute one-on-one appointment with me so I can get to know you better and your presenting problems. This is also time to ask me any questions you have and for me to give you feedback. This appointment is virtual to maximize convenience and will be scheduled after you enroll in ER between you and I.

2-You'll Receive Two Half-Day Private Intensives With Your Master Coach To Resolve Your Resentments

You'll receive two half-day one-on-one intensives with your master relationship coach to address your resentments. Each half-day intensive includes a 90-minute session, 15-minute break, then another 90-minute session. The two half-day intensives are equivalent to two months of counseling in two days! In the intensive, your master coach will spend around 15 minutes with each partner individually reviewing your intake forms to learn more about your backgrounds. Then, the coach will help you consolidate your top areas of resentment and introduce you to our highly effective method for resolving resentments. Next, you'll address one resentment at a time with your master coach guiding you step by step to keep the sessions calm and constructive. You'll continue this process until all resentments have been addressed. These appointments are virtual to maximize convenience and will be scheduled after you enroll in ER between you and your coach.

*You're welcome to schedule a third half-day intensive if you need more time to address your resentments and weekly appointments with your master coach for ongoing individualized support.

3-You'll Receive FREE Tickets To Dr. Wyatt's Marriage Retreat In Florida, Colorado, or Texas

Third, after your resentments have been resolved, you'll receive free tickets to my marriage retreat. The retreats are held at the Hilton Garden Inn in FL, CO, and TX several times a year and are a wonderful way to give your marriage undivided attention while receiving my support all day. A recorded version is available in case you're unable to attend. The marriage retreats are set up like a seminar or conference and cover essential tools needed for a successful relationship. The next retreats coming up are in Denver, CO 3/29/25, Dallas, TX 4/27/25, and Orlando, FL 9/28/25. Click the conference buttons below to learn more.

4-You'll Receive One FREE Month In Dr. Wyatt's Marriage Class.

Fourth, you'll receive free access for one month into my weekly marriage course to further your mastery of all the tools and to ask me any questions you may have along the way. Classes are live through Zoom on Tuesdays from 4-4:45pm MST.

Start receiving help for your marriage within several days after enrolling in ER! No long waits or delays!

Enroll in ER here! You can set up payments by selecting Klarna during checkout for as low as $81/month. The ER Marriage Intensive is $1599. I also can provide a superbill for $400 of the cost for you to submit to insurance for reimbursement. 

Who developed the ER Marriage Intensive?

marriage course | marriage class | couples classes

I'm Dr. Wyatt Fisher and I'm the creator of the ER marriage intensive. I have a Master's and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, I'm a Licensed Psychologist, and I've been in private practice since 2004 specializing in marriage counseling. I'm also the author of the Total Marriage Refresh marriage book and developer of the Keep the Glow couples app. To learn more about me click here. After years of working with couples in the traditional weekly 45-minute appointment model, I noticed it wasn't effective because it would take too long for couples to resolve their resentments and they would start losing hope. When couples first come in is when they need the most support because they have lots of resentments piled up, which is why 45-minutes a week is a poor match. Therefore, I started offering intensives to help couples make quicker progress in less time. Instantly, I noticed significant improvement with couples feeling hope. As a result, I developed the ER Marriage Intensive to help more couples, regardless of their geographic location. 

marriage intensive

4 Reasons Why Enrolling In ER Is A Wise Investment

1-To break the patterns in your family of divorce and develop a successful relationship. 

2-To create a solid home for your children, regardless of their age, because a healthy marriage is the best gift for your children.

3-To become happier in your marriage because being happily married will impact every other area of your life. 

4-To invest in your marriage like you have other things in your life to make it successful, like your career. 

Book a free video call below with a member of my team to learn more about ER.

If you're ready to resolve your resentments and get your marriage back on track, join my ER Marriage Intensive below!

marriage intensive

3 Common Objections and Answers to Enrolling in the ER Marriage Intensive

1-We've tried couples therapy before, and it didn't work for us.

This is not typical couples therapy that processes feelings with no direction. Our intensives are strategically focused on resolving your resentments to address the root issues in your relationship in a calm and constructive manner so you can experience quick results. 

2-Our schedules are too busy for ER.

Not making your marriage a priority is probably the exact reason why you’re having problems. You must carve out regular time for your marriage if you want it to improve. Plus, the intensives can often be scheduled during times that work best for you. 

3-We can't afford it.

Remember, if your marriage heads to separation and/or divorce the cost could be 100X greater. Also, the cost of ER is probably a fraction of what you spent to have a great wedding. Invest in ER to resolve your resentments so you can start feeling hope!

Refund Policy: You may get a full refund within 7 days after purchase if you're unhappy with ER for any reason minus any services you've received.


1-What's your success rate for couples going through ER? If both couples are teachable, our success rate is 90% and above. 

2-Are the appointments one-on-one or group? The initial appointment with me and the two half-day intensives with your master coach are both one-on-one. 

3-What happens after I enroll? Once you enroll, you'll receive an email from me within 24 hours to set up our initial 45-minute appointment. Next, you'll schedule your two half-day intensives with your master coach to address your resentments. 

4-How much time does ER require each week? It's up to you how close together you schedule your half-day intensives. The faster you move through them the quicker you'll resolve your resentments. 

5-What happens during the intensives? These sessions are designed to help you and your partner resolve your resentments one step at a time in a calm and constructive manner because nothing goes well in a relationship when there are active resentments. 

6-Where are the appointments held? The initial appointment with me and the two half-day intensives are virtual to maximize your convenience. The marriage retreat is a live event held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Orlando, Denver, and Dallas. 

7-What qualifications do the master coaches have? Each coach is a Certified Relationship Coach and has been through my extensive ICF Accredited Training. They also meet with me weekly for supervision and have been working with couples for years.

8-Should I go through ER or work with Dr. Wyatt in his practice? ER is the better path because it's more flexible to fit your schedule, it's more affordable to save you money, and it's more comprehensive to help your marriage quicker.  

9-Does my partner have to do the intensive with me? Yes, ER is designed for couples where both partners are willing to participate. 

Dr. Wyatt Fisher

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