About Dr. Wyatt Fisher

Wondering about my credentials?

My credentials include a master's and doctorate in clinical psychology, I'm a licensed psychologist, and I've been specializing in marriage counseling in my private practice since 2004. I believe if couples follow my tools and strategies, they can save their marriage. However, be warned, my tools require intentionality, sacrifice, humility, and hard work to accomplish. I can't change your marriage for you but I can show you the path to get there. If you're willing to put in the effort, you can develop a great relationship! 

Wondering about my resources?

Listen to my marriage podcast here for weekly tips to improve your marriage. To learn more about my most comprehensive resource to resolve your resentments check out my ER Marriage Intensive here. For my most cost-effective resource to build a healthy relationship join my TOOLS Marriage Course here. 

Wondering where my passion for couples comes from?

You may be wondering where my passion to help couples comes from. Unfortunately, my parents divorced when I was six. Both my parents re-married and my childhood was turbulent from that point forward. Through those difficult years growing up in a broken home, I developed a desire to help others, especially marriages. Fast forward to 1999 and I married my college sweetheart. However, because of trauma from her past and turbulence from mine we proceeded to have a volatile marriage, which furthered my desire to help couples, starting with my own. Thankfully, through years of hard work, sacrifice, and healing, we have a better marriage today than ever before. Therefore, I've made it my life mission to help couples have satisfying relationships to bring joy to themselves, their children, and the broader community. 


My parents when they married in 1969

my family
My mom, sister, and me on my dad's lap, 2 years before their divorce

My wife and I when we first started dating at CU-Boulder in 1996 (I forgot where the barber was located!)

our wedding
Our wedding photo in Pretty Place, NC in 1999
Our family in 2013 with our daughter Jade adopted from China

Dr. Wyatt Fisher
Me today trying to keep up with it all!

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