Couples Workshop: 3 Steps To Better Conflict Resolution

Learn how to resolve your conflicts constructively instead of sweeping them under the rug in our leading couples workshop.

couples workshop

Tired Of The Harsh Conflicts?

Most couples have conflicts that escalate. 

Words get harsher.

Tone gets sharper. 

Things are said and done that are hard to recover from. 

Conflicts like these create emotional scar tissue for the relationship.

couples workshop

Tired Of Sweeping Things Under The Rug?

Couples aren't sure how to resolve their conflicts.

Therefore, they sweep them under the rug and try to move on.

However, moving on without resolution is unrealistic.

The more unresolved conflicts couples have the more their intimacy and connection breaks down.

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The Solution: Our Virtual Couples Workshop

The solution is Dr. Wyatt's live, one hour virtual couples workshop on 3 Steps To Better Conflict Resolution. (Monday 8/19/24 at 7pm MST) You'll be sent the recording if you can't attend live.

You'll learn the top causes of conflicts.

You'll learn the top results of unresolved conflicts.

You'll learn how to prevent escalation in conflicts.

You'll learn how to resolve your conflicts.

couples workshop

What Are Other Couples Saying About The Couples Workshop?

"This couples workshop was extremely helpful. It was interesting, covered great concepts, and provided excellent tools for conflict resolution. Dr. Wyatt had great energy and was well spoken and kept me engaged." M.N. -previous attendant

"Very relevant and easy to listen to. Good tools to help us going forward with better conflict resolution. I recommend this to all married couples." G.G.-previous attendant

Thank you Dr. Wyatt for a great online couples workshop for my husband and I! Loved it! We left with more love for each other and some effective new tools to keep our marriage on track with conflict!" B.S.-previous attendant

couples workshops

Who Is Dr. Wyatt?

Dr. Wyatt has a Master's and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

He's a Licensed Clinical Psychologist.

He's been in private practice since 2004 specializing in marriage counseling.

He's the host of the Dr. Wyatt Show marriage podcast.

He's the creator of the KTG couples app for better communication. 

He's the creator of the TMR marriage retreat.

He's the leader of the ER marriage intensive. 

His mission is to lower the divorce rate one marriage at a time and you can learn more about him here.



Grab Your Spot For The Couples Workshop!

Are you tired of all the unresolved conflict?

Are you tired of feeling disconnected and walled off?

Are you ready to learn effective conflict resolution skills?

Are you ready to start feeling closer with your partner?

If you answered "yes" then attend this engaging and transformative training with Dr. Wyatt!

The cost is only $29/couple.

The live, one hour virtual couples workshop is Monday 8/19/24 at 7pm MST and will include Q & A at the end. You'll be sent the recording if you can't attend live.

To register, click one of the "Grab Your Spot" buttons on the page. Once your registration is received, you'll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours with the link for the training. 

Email with any questions you may have.

couples workshop